Arrival of One World Football

2013/05/06 After tough procedures at Mozambican customs which took several weeks, we finally received our 40 long-awaited delivery of One World Footballs today. Developed in the United States the ball …

Presenting keeper equipment donation

2013/04/18 At Habitacao football pitch we were meeting the women’s soccer team from Costa del Sol to present them with goalkeeper equipment. This was made possible due to the support …

Festa de Fotbol in Alba Sine

2013/03/29 In March the ninth Festa de Futebol is also a full success and this time the focus is on HIV prevention and health supported by the Mozambican Ministry of …

Visit at the GCU Academy

2013/03/11 Sascha Bauer was very pleased to see the developments at the project GCU Academy in Heideveld: ‘Since my first arrival in 2010 a lot has happened in Heideveld. There …

News 26.08.2011 | Capetown

2011/08/26 After the arrival of Jennifer (the first of three Volunteers in this summer) and her first report Udo has arrived and started sharing his expertise and knowledge with the …