Location scouting to expand the Festa de Futebol project


UnknownFFWU plans to expand the Festa de Futebol project to three additional sites in Maputo. Several possible football fields in different districts of the Mozambican capital were flagged by chairman Sascha and volunteer Florian.
They next visited pitches in Polana Canissa, Habitação, Aeroporto and Hulene and preliminary discussions were conducted with present coaches and managers. The project itself and the associated training possibilities for coaches aroused great interest. Handouts were distributed with essential information and contact details exchanged. We now are eager to see the number of actual responses of trainers as a certain level of initiative and commitment is expected right from the start.

One-to-one meetings will be held with applying coaches during the following week to determine final participants.

The coach training course for up to 30 trainers is planned to be held during the week commencing 20th May.