Integration of refugees through football: Sascha hosting coaching course in Germany

In January 2017, our head instructor Sascha relocated from Brazil back to Germany. This move not only marked a significant change in his personal life but also opened new avenues for leveraging his skills and expertise in Germany, where integrating migrants has become a daily reality.

The Role of Football in Integration

“Football is ideally suited for integrating migrants. The ‘Treino Social’ (Social Training) method we developed for GIZ and DFB can be equally applied across clubs in Germany, where coaches with a foreign background will have to be integrated,” says Sascha. This approach is not just about techniques, tactics, and physical exercises; it also emphasizes social and personal competencies. These skills have a profound impact, not only on the pitch but also in enriching personal relationships.

A Successful Training Initiative

In a five-day course sponsored and organized by the Football and Athletics Association Westfalen (FLVW), Sascha had the opportunity to put these principles into practice. The FLVW carefully selected the participants, ensuring a diverse and eager group.

Reflecting on the experience, Sascha says, “It was a very moving and satisfying experience, and we definitely want to offer another course again next year. All participants were extraordinarily attentive and keen to learn, and I was positively surprised by their level of German. Many shared their experiences and spoke about difficulties in creating lasting friendships with Germans. This is definitely another reason to continue with this concept and to offer more of our courses.”

Looking Ahead

FFWU’s involvement in integration of refugees through football underscores the powerful role sports can play in bridging cultural divides. The success of the ‘Treino Social’ method and the positive feedback from participants highlight the importance of such initiatives.

As Sascha plans for future courses, the goal remains clear: to use football as a tool for social integration, helping migrants to feel more at home and fostering a sense of community. By continuing these efforts, we can make a significant impact, both on and off the field.

Get Involved

Are you interested in participating in or supporting our initiatives? Stay tuned for upcoming courses and events. Together, we can continue to make a difference through the beautiful game.