FFWU Volunteer Julia unterstützt die GCU


Julia 4Bereits seit 4 Wochen ist unser Volunteer Julia nun schon in der GCU Academy in Heideveld bei Kapstadt! Weitere 5 Wochen stehen noch aus. Zeit also für ihren Zwischenbericht:

“I have now been working for GCU  for one month as a volunteer. GCU’s goal is to keep the children off the streets and give them a place to go where they know they are welcomed! The whole program is growing very fast and it has been spreading across the world. In the morning I usually help out with the PE Lessons and in the afternoon I either help with the sports programm or the tutoring. It is great to be a part of such a big team, which tries to make the world just that much better by putting everything in that they can. But what impresses me most are the students themselves.  They have so little, yet they are the happiest children I have ever seen. I am so thankful to be able to experience all this and i only wish the best for all those kids and their tutors and coaches for the future!”

Es scheint ihr also gut zu gehen und sowohl Julia selbst als auch die Kinder an der Academy scheinen von ihrer Anwesenheit zu profitieren!

Super, Julia, weiter so! Keep on making a difference! 🙂